Saturday, November 20, 2021

Movie Review: Wolfcop (2014)

tonight's feature: Wolfcop (2014) on Shudder
night 51

(SPOILERS) Wolfcop feels like it should have come out in 1986 instead of 2014. It's cheesy and tongue-in-cheek corny. I typically get annoyed with horror comedy movies because they feel so ridiculous and just aren't scary. Wolfcop screams ridiculous from the title and here I was enjoying it. It was even described as a "Canadian superhero comedy horror" so clearly you should get your money's worth somewhere in there. Lou Garou is an alcoholic sheriff's deputy in some run of the mill small crappy town who ends up getting turned into a werewolf by some changelings so they can drink his blood and live eternally. Apparently he isn't the first, but he's going to be the one who puts an end to it. Lots of spurting blood, explosions, gun battles, fight scenes and mayhem in between points A and B along with some dirty werewolf sexy time, a werewolf car hot-rodding session and even an exploding man-penis to werewolf-weiner scene. (Hopefully the last of its kind.) If I took this movie seriously I would have been disappointed (and probably failed at life), but for shits and giggles (and the stoner rock soundtrack) I'd give this eclectic piece of Canadian cinema 7.7 donuts out of 10.

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