Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Movie Review: Kill List (2011)

tonight's feature: Kill List (2011) on Shudder
night 48

(SPOILERS) Kill List did everything it could to keep that intense focus throughout the film. There's a hit man and he's been out of work. He and his wife like to scream at each other daily and probably need counseling. He eats rabbit meat the cat drags in. He takes on some new jobs with his old buddy, gets stabbed in the hand and his victims begin thanking him. Then he starts getting a little violent and a lot paranoid. Someone murders his cat. Suddenly there's a weird cult in the woods with torches and masks made out of straw. They're going to hang some girl so he shoots a bunch of them. There's a chase, his buddy gets gutted in a tunnel, yadda yadda. Then he escapes to the cottage where his wife and child are staying. The cult catches him and takes his shirt. His wife kills a bunch of intruders. Then there's a big fight scene. He fights the hunchback. Who turns out to be... well I will say this, it doesn't make a lick of sense.

Kill List starts off as one thing and is pretty good at it. Then it does a 180 and is another thing entirely and is still pretty good at that too. But then there's a shock ending that makes about as much sense as Toto being the Wizard in Wizard of Oz. I'm not saying it's not quality, I'm just saying THROW ME A BONE, NOT A BANANA. I read one review that said "Of course if you hate films that make you think and prefer mindless entertainment, you would do best to seek elsewhere." Make me think? It made me think, alright. It made me think that the screenwriter didn't bother to button up his story. Maybe he started with the the shock ending and just rolled some D&D dice to write the rest backwards? That actually makes more sense. Still, I won't hold the ending against the rest of the film, because I'm probably just a dumbass. 7 grisly hand infections out of 10.

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