Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Movie Review: Bliss (2019)

tonight's feature: Bliss (2019) on Shudder
night 19 #31NightsofHalloween

(SPOILER-ish) Bliss is the kind of movie your mom always warned you about. A discombobulating mess of drugs, sex, drugs, violence and blood. Lots and lots of blood.

Dezzy is a painter in Los Angeles. She's at her wits' end with a case of creative block. She loses her agent and is about to get evicted from her studio. Naturally she decides to get some of the most potent and dangerous drugs she can get her hands on. Things slowly spiral out of control, the extended blackouts begin, and somehow the painting starts to come right along. Then the shit hits the fan, repeatedly.

The rest of the film is a blood soaked, manic, goth metal skinemax vampire fever dream. Or maybe an ultra-violent, softcore, druggy, strobe light, nihilistic nightmare. Or it could be just what living in LA is really like.

The story isn't a bad one, and I guess the film was done well, if you're into grating MTV style edits. I thought it was just trying too hard, harder than any film I've seen in years. I read it wasn't for the squeamish before watching, but I just wanted it to end so I could get back to something else. Not because of the gore and horror and endless blood spurting madness, but the LOOK HOW CRAZY I CAN EDIT THISSSSS vibe. Sure you're making the point that someone is freaking out, we get it. Maybe you tripped and fell into a bag of cocaine before doing the final edits? Look, we've all been there, buddy.

Mostly I think Bliss could be effective as a "Don't Do Drugs, Kids!" public service announcement. My favorite review said "It's 80 tedious minutes of shouting, swearing, nudity and gore, cut together with the deftness of a chainsaw." But it's "not for everyone", which means it's "for someone" and maybe that someone is you? I can't help but wonder if I would have dug it more if it was edited differently. Bonus points for the Norm from Cheers cameo. 6.66 giant bags of El Diablo powder out of 10.

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