Sunday, December 26, 2021

Movie Review: The Gingerdead Man (2005)

tonight's feature: The Gingerdead Man (2005) on Tubi
night 81 #31NightsofHalloween

The Gingerdead Man was likely dumber than you think it would be, with the surprising caveat that all the baking or candy or cookie related puns (along with the aggressively foul-mouthed and predictably ridiculous antagonist) actually made me laugh more than I groaned. I typically loathe horror comedies but sometimes I can’t hate them because they are just so absurd I end up chuckling like an inmate at the asylum. Granted, this is exactly the type of movie my 13 year old self would have written (minus the throwaway love story and probably all the backstory).

Insane killer Millard Findlemeyer (played by one Gary Busey) murders several members of a family while robbing a diner called Cadillac Jack’s. Later he is put in prison and dies by electric chair only to have his ashes sent to his mother, who happens to be a witch. She puts said ashes into a mix of gingerbread spice and sends it to the girl who helped put him away, who also happens to run a bakery with her alcoholic mom. Yadda yadda yadda, he is reincarnated as an evil gingerbread man, who shouts a lot and shoots like a stormtrooper. At one point he is driving a car with the help of some rolling pins and that should have been the ending, but he needs revenge or something, so he sticks around for many laughs and much mayhem.

So basically at some point the makers of horror films will run out of innocuous things to make evil (snow men, santa claus, gingerbread men, elves, etc) and we’ll finally get to something new? Don’t hold your breath. For the lulz alone I give this Christmas barf 3 ladyfingers out of 10.

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