Monday, September 18, 2023

Movie Review: Infinity Pool (2023)

the horror continues... 43 nights till Halloween!
tonight's feature: Infinity Pool (2023) on Hulu

(SPOILERS?) If it says Cronenberg on the poster, you know it's going to mess with your head. On that level, Infinity Pool did not disappoint. It's an insane, grotesque and gratuitous mindfuck of a movie. Like a freakier and futuristic Twilight Zoned American Psycho via The Purge with a pinch of Locked Up Abroad and some sprinkles of 2001: A Space Odyssey visuals, you can't seem to look away as things become more demented as the seconds tick by.

Set in the fictional seaside nation of Li Tolqa, a soviet-style dystopia with stunning beach resorts surrounded by barbed wire fencing (for your protection, naturally), a struggling writer and his beautiful wife end up in some dangerous shenanigans after renting a car with another sketchy couple. The resort has basically one rule, "don't leave the resort, the rest of the country is essentially a 3rd world hellscape." So of course that's exactly what they do.

Kicking off with what you might call 'a regrettable handjob', what follows goes from bad, to worse, and then to "OH JESUS, LORD HELP US!" Which is just the first of many times you'll be twisting your mustache saying "What in the Sam Hell?" during the film. The entire thing just keeps getting darker and darker until you're snapped out of it because of the blurry, bad trip sex scene with some very unfortunate nipple sequences. Also mildly unnerving are the invisible eyebrows of actress Mia Goth, which are distracting to the point of madness. "Are they even there? Are they shaved? Is she even a human?" Goth plays Gabi, possibly the most painfully annoying character since Jar Jar Binks, with several scenes so absurd I burst out laughing maniacally.

I expected to not like this movie, which means I ultimately found it compelling. It's definitely not for everybody. But if you prefer films that dry hump your brain sideways, force you to witness horrible crimes and perhaps a random terrifying nipple, Infinity Pool might scratch your freaky itch. 8 urns full of your clone ashes out of 10. My wife's hot take: "that movie is dumb"

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