Monday, October 24, 2022

Movie Review: The Witch Who Came from the Sea (1976)

the horror continues... 7 nights till Halloween!
tonight's feature: The Witch Who Came from the Sea (1976) on Shudder

I'm not trying to tell anyone what to do, but The Witch Who Came from the Sea should probably be avoided unless you're on the world's greatest quest to find the most nonsensical, painfully weird, disjointed and generally terrible horror movie of all time, even if the movie poster is kinda awesome. Listed as a "video nasty" by the UK Department of Prosecutions back in 1976 and considered by many to be breaking obscenity laws, the film tells a sordid tale of a psychotic, sex-crazed woman who goes on a killing and castrating spree after years of sexual abuse by her seafaring father.

I can't describe it any better than this online review: "Bizarre mish-mash of sexuality, horror, terrible & great writing, exploitation and art-house, that works just over 50% of the time. Certainly one for those interested in bizarre forgotten horror films."

The movie's premise isn't really the problem so much as the incredibly uneven editing, confusing dialogue and haphazard way the story unfolds. You're never really sure what's happening or when it's happening, and have no real interest because the characters are such drastic caricatures. By the time you get a grip on it, the movie is pretty much over. I could definitely have lived without watching the sex abuse scenes and probably the entire movie, if I really think about it. 2 razor blades for chopping off man bits out of 10.

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