Friday, October 28, 2022

Movie Review: The Cleansing Hour (2020)

the horror continues... 3 nights till Halloween!
tonight's feature: The Cleansing Hour (2020) on Shudder

The Cleansing Hour might work for some Gen Z kids but I had a hard time restraining myself from turning it off and taking a nap. Not because I was tired, but because the movie was tired: forced script, corny one-liners, ding dong premise, unbelievable schtick, grating characters, idiotic dialogue... etc. Not even trying to be scary. Or maybe they just failed at it.

Father Max, a fake priest who does fake exorcisms on a popular webcast show, gets the shock of his life when an actual demonic presence takes over the actress in the latest episode. Almost the entire movie is this one drawn out scenario which is being livestreamed to a growing worldwide audience. Father Max and his producer buddy Drew have to get their wits about them to defeat this old demon that's just trying to get famous on the internet. So strap in, because it's going to take a very, very long time to get this over with. I mean, how do you do an exorcism if you're just douchey young Max (who says he quit the priesthood years ago but also killed a nun once in catholic school) in real life? You're going to have to google it and I'm going to be here cringing all the while.

Shockingly the film had decent scores online which led me to give it a go, but I found The Cleansing Hour painfully bad. Like insultingly bad. Maybe I am being too harsh after seeing multiple films this week that were pretty damn good? Doesn't matter. I'm not getting those 94 minutes back. 1 Lucifer pretending to be another demon to possess the entire world via your dumb youtube video out of 10.

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