Sunday, September 25, 2022

Movie Review: Bloodthirsty (2021)

the horror continues... 36 nights till Halloween!
tonight's feature: Bloodthirsty (2021) on Shudder

(SPOILERS?): Man, I have seen a few terrible movies in my day, but this Canadian werewolf schlock they call Bloodthirsty is absolutely abysmal. I was intrigued by the RottenTomatoes disparity between 80% favorable reviews from critics and 28% favorable audience scores. What do the critics know that the audience doesn't? Nothing as far as I could tell.

Grey is a heavily medicated pop singer who has hallucinations that she is turning into an animal. Her management sends her and her girlfriend off to a secluded home studio to work on her sophomore album with a creepy producer named Vaughn who was acquitted of killing one of his artists a few years ago.

Flash forward through a bunch of predictable and boring plot points, messy murders and bits and pieces of sad pop songs and it turns out they are both lycanthropes, except nobody cares. Vaughn thinks Grey is his lost lover or something, I don't remember already. I could barely muster the energy to bring you this sad review. 2 dreams about eating meat out of 10.

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