Friday, November 10, 2023

Dream: Dave Grohl and the Very Angry Bear

insane dream from this morning:

for some reason there was a large and aggressive bear attacking some shopping mall area in some northern city and dave grohl decided he could tame it or calm it down. someone attached all kinds of cameras to the mall, which had large glass walls and doors. somehow the "event" was televised and as i was watching, there is dave grohl (in a flannel shirt) with taylor hawkins (i think) and they're running from this bear, who is very upset. they barely escape several times running through racks of clothes and merchandise and everyone is on the edge of their seat.

randomly, my wife decides she can help and she is in there and comes within a bear claw of getting mauled while i'm freaking out somewhere nearby. she escapes and everyone returns their attention to dave, his friend and the very angry bear.

another close call and mr grohl and friend are hiding behind a glass wall and the bear sees the pair. the home audience thinks the bear can't get to them, so they appear safe for the moment. suddenly, the bear runs full steam and crashes through the glass like a freight train. there's a massive explosion of flying glass and debris as dave grohl and friend, lying on the floor under some clothes, have nowhere to run. the bear hovers over the duo and he pulls out a gun, not to shoot the bear, to shoot himself in case they get mauled.... and of course the bear rips his skull in half in the most gruesome fashion as the gun goes off to no avail... as i wake up in a sweat.
what the hell?
the end.

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