Wednesday, March 21, 2018

alice cooper's gift record - flying over the casino

dream i had this morning:

i was inside steve boyle's house. even though i've never been there in real life. no one was there, but for some reason it was ok. i was in a bedroom taking a camera and trying two switch out a giant lens on it. at some point alice cooper called. he and i talked for a few minutes before i told him "i finally listened to that blues record you gave me. it's really really good!"
he responded with "that record wasn't for you!? i told you to give it to so and so from that other band!"
"oh yeah. i knew that, i just forgot, i got really really high earlier."
* silence *
no response. i hung up.
eventually someone came home. but now it was aaron brunsman's house. the living room had a giant round sectional couch and many tables and chairs. it was laid out like a mexican restaurant. i had stuffed the blues record into a backpack, because now i needed to get it to whomever from whatever band, all of which i could not remember. aaron came in and i said hello. explained that i was borrowing the camera again. he looked down and seemed pissed. i quickly made an exit. one of the living room walls was now an opening to a shopping mall. i walked out of the mexican restaurant through the mall to where i left my bike on the ground, feeling like a giant dummy.

then i woke up.

a few days ago i had a crazy dream where some friends and i were in a tiny helicopter. we landed it between some highly charged electrical wires in a daring landing. but for some reason we waited until the nighttime to fly over a huge casino built on the water. jason marcuson was holding onto a drone, and myself and two others (larry king and possibly mike naish) were holding on to him so we didn't fall. we were about 150 feet above the water level. it was pitch black out, but the casino was completely covered in flashing lights. at one end was a pier with multiple levels of stages. on those stages were dancing girls wearing costumes with flashing lights. there were probably 50 girls on each platform, all dancing in unison at the end of this pier. no one could really see them except from a highway that was maybe half a mile away. i felt bad for them, but i wanted to snap a photo. like most dreams i was unable to get my phone camera to work for some reason. in this case, i held on to jason with one hand and fumbled to get my phone out of my pocket. as i did, i started to juggle it and it bounced around. i took a deep breath and almost dropped it, but i was able to hang on. we were moving perpendicular to the casino and ooh-ing and aah-ing, all scrambling to hold on to jason, who was somehow guiding the drone and holding onto it with both hands. it was cold and the wind was biting. i don't remember ever falling or coming back down.

eventually i woke up.

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