Friday, September 2, 2022

Movie Review: The Night House (2020)

the horror continues... 59 nights till Halloween!
tonight's feature: The Night House (2020) on HBOmax

possible SPOILERS(?): The Night House was a fairly compelling ghost story that kept the tension and interest for a majority of the film. Except towards the end, where things got supernaturally wonky.

Beth is a recent widower whose husband mysteriously took his own life. As the tale unfolds you are drawn layer by layer into the enigma onion that was her husband, Owen. What was he up to? Bad things? Uh oh. Tell me more! Owen was an architect who designed their beautiful house on the lake. But he had other secrets! Like another house across the lake that was nearly identical. Owen also had some strange photos on his phone. Maybe even some dead bodies lying around.

Eventually there's a part of the movie where Beth is like, "Yes! I'm going to totally bone my dead husband's ghost. I really miss him." (note: not an actual quote) and I was like "No please, please don't kick me out of my cinematic dreamscape with some cheap ghost boner" which switched quickly to "OMG to whom does this ghost boner belong?" which felt like some reality show where ghost boners get voted off ghost boner island. (new band name?)

Anyway, I liked the movie despite the parts where the evil spirit is just picking people up and throwing, choking, dragging, and smashing them against a mirror. I mean, if he could do that all along, why didn't he do it earlier? Why all the forcing someone else do it?? By the time it was over I wasn't mad about it, so I'll give The Night House 7 mirror image houses across the lake out of 10.

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