Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Movie Review: The Blackcoat's Daughter (2015)

tonight's feature: The Blackcoat's Daughter (2015) on Showtime
night 41 #31NightsofHalloween

The Blackcoat's Daughter is a twisted little possession story that winds its way through several timelines before coughing up the big reveal. Written and directed by Osgood Perkins (son of Anthony Perkins of Psycho fame) the film is an atmospheric slow-burn that unravels a tale that gets darker and darker as it goes along. The premise was relatively simple but the narrative was crafty and complicated.
Rose thinks she is pregnant and decides to stay at the Catholic boarding school over break. Kat dreams her parents are dead. They never show up to pick her up for the break. Both are left behind with a few nuns. Later we see Joan is on the run and escaped from a mental institution. A man and woman offer her a ride after finding her alone at a bus stop. These two stories eventually intersect in a grisly albeit slightly confusing climax. The Blackcoat's Daughter is the kind of movie that leaves a menacing cloud of doom in the air for a few hours after it ends. 8 decapitated heads around a boiler out of 10.

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