the last few days i have had the weirdest dreams.
a few days ago i dreamt i was in a band on tour. someone found a rabbit in a cage inside the tour bus, but no one had fed it in weeks and it was dying. i felt awful like it was all my fault somehow.
yesterday i dreamt i had a time machine. i went far into the future which turned out to be a dystopian hellscape where the united states government had been overrun by feral raccoons. i went back in time to try and stop it from happening, but each time i tried i just made it worse. the dream seemed to go on for hours, even after waking up several times.
this morning i had a dream i was walking on the field of a football stadium, talking to taylor swift. she confided in me that she was getting depressed, because no team would take her seriously as a head coach. the best i could do was suggest she buy the team and the stadium. eventually this dream morphed into being at a party but i had lost my phone. i spent hours looking for it, but never found it... until i woke up.