Tuesday, December 24, 2019

growths on my head dream

dream from this morning:

i was living in some flophouse above some hotel. i tried to run my fingers through my hair and realized i just had a massive scar on the side of my skull from brain surgery.
i went to scratch my forehead and there was a big growth on the side, the size and shape of a small lightbulb. i decided i needed to see a doctor, even though i had no insurance. i walked down to the hotel and asked if anyone else had noticed this growth on my head. a few said they did but didn't want to mention it or the others. i reached around the back of my head and there was another growth sticking out the back. this one was like a big carrot.
i decided the best way to cheaply go to the hospital was to call the cops. while i am freaking out about growths on my head, a lady cop shows up and tells me to put on the handcuffs and follow her. she gets in her car and takes off. she meant follow her car with my old beat up car. as i get in to follow her, feel another growth on the top left of my head, this one looks like a cut sausage. i get on the highway and it's rush hour in los angeles. i find another growth on the top of my head as i realize i lost the cop entirely.
finally i wake up

Monday, December 2, 2019

breakdown at the big music fest


the band is at a big music festival. after some time hanging out with friends and waiting to play, two of the guys are spitting mad. they're saying i wrote disparaging things about them. i ask for proof and somehow a postcard turns up. "it's not even in my handwriting!" i say, but they're not convinced. the postcard said something about not "needing" the band in barely legible script. the guys won't drop it so eventually i get upset, threatening to pack up my shit and go home, just quit the band forever. the argument goes on for a long time. we miss our set up time and although we decide to play, we've pushed past the official start time. our set up takes even longer than normal and the crowd is getting bored. we finally blast through a song with a ton of mistakes because everyone is pissed. we play another and then everyone walks offstage. i'm yelling into the mic. nobody cares. then i woke up.